$runge_kutta("ファイル名”、モード、Input_RealArray、Output_RealArray); |
`timescale 1ns / 1ns //Apr.18.2005 rungekutta IF changed. module runge_kutta_test; parameter freq =900e3; parameter dac_width=10; real read_array[0:10]; real write_array[0:10]; real read_array2[14:24]; real write_array2[10:24]; real t,amp,ar; reg clock=0; reg [15:0] filt_out1,filt_out2; reg [dac_width-1:0] dac_input; real range; reg Reset; wire dac_out; real ar; always #1 clock=~clock; always @(posedge clock) begin t=$time()*1e-9; amp=($sin(2*$M_PI()*t*freq)+1)*range; dac_input=$rtoi(amp); read_array[0]=dac_out*6283185.3;//cut off 1e6Hz degree2 //ar=$sin(2*$M_PI()*t*freq); read_array2[14]=dac_out*6283185.3;//cur off 1e6Hz degree10 $runge_kutta("Ae6_2.mat",1); $runge_kutta("Ae6.mat",1); ar=dac_out*6283185.3; // filt_out1=write_array[1]*range;//2degree 0+(2-1)=1 // filt_out2=write_array2[19]*range;//10degree 10+(10-1)=19 filt_out1=write_array[0]*range;//Apr.18.2005 2degree 0+(2-1)=1 filt_out2=write_array2[10]*range;//Apr.18.2005 10degree 10+(10-1)=19 //$display("filt_out2=%e %e",ar,write_array2[11]); end sigma_delta #(dac_width) dac1(dac_out, dac_input,clock, Reset); initial begin Reset=1; range=((1 << dac_width)-2)/2; $runge_kutta("Ae6_2.mat",0,read_array,write_array); $runge_kutta("Ae6.mat",0,read_array2,write_array2); #100 Reset=0; #100000 $finish; end endmodule module sigma_delta(out, DACin, Clk, Reset); parameter dac_with=10; input [dac_with-1:0] DACin; // input Clk; input Reset; output out; reg [dac_with-1+2:0] R1; wire out=R1[dac_with-1+2]; wire [dac_with-1+2:0] delta= {R1[dac_with-1+2], R1[dac_with-1+2], {dac_with{1'b0}}}; wire [dac_with-1+2:0] adder1 = {2'b00,DACin} + delta; wire [dac_with-1+2:0] adder2 = adder1 + R1; always @(posedge Clk or posedge Reset) begin if(Reset) R1 <= {1'b1, 11'h000}; else R1 <=adder2; end endmodule |
A = 1.0e+008 * -1.2412 -0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 -1.1197 -0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 -0.8886 -0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 -0.5705 -0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 -0.1966 -0.6283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6283 0 B = 1.0e+007 * 6.2832 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 D = 0
最後は、VPI ソースリストです。
// Mar.19.2004 // Linear System Simulator on Verilog2001 VPI // Apr.18.2005 Bug fix address to only 1 output, change output port0 // #include "runge_kutta.h" #include "math.h" # include "..\..\vpi\vpi\vpi_user.h" #include <cassert> #include <map> #include <string> extern int reset_lexor(const char * path); extern bool parse_mat_data(); extern vector< vector<double*> *> *doubles_types; //static runge_kutta *gloval_ptr=0; static map <string , runge_kutta*> file_map; runge_kutta::runge_kutta() { doubles_list=0; continue_runge_kutta=false; old_time=0; zh=0; mode=INITIAL; } runge_kutta::~runge_kutta() { } bool runge_kutta::file_read(string file_name) { bool success=reset_lexor(file_name.c_str()); if(success){ success=parse_mat_data(); if (success) doubles_list=doubles_types; else { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta: can not read coefficient file.\n"); } }else { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:can not open coefficient file.\n"); } return success; } bool runge_kutta::check_and_dump_double_list() { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"coefficient file has read.\n"); rows=doubles_list->size(); assert(rows); columns= (*doubles_list)[0]->size(); bool error=false; if (rows ==columns){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"Matrix is [%d][%d]\n",rows,columns); for (unsigned i=0; i< rows;i++) { if ((*doubles_list)[i]->size() !=columns) error=true; vector <double> a; for (unsigned m=0; m < (*doubles_list)[i]->size();m++){ double temp=*(*(*doubles_list)[i])[m]; a.push_back(temp); vpi_mcd_printf(1,"A Matrix[%d][%d]=%f \n",i,m,temp); } A.push_back(a); } if (columns !=rows) error =true; if (!error) { //Initialize array for (unsigned i=0; i<rows;i++){ zx.push_back(0.0); zdx.push_back(0.0); zq.push_back(0.0); } for (unsigned i=0; i< rows;i++) { if (i==0) B.push_back(1.0);//Jan.5.2005 else B.push_back(0.0);//Jan.5.2005 if (i==rows-1) C.push_back(1.0);//Jan.5.2005 else C.push_back(0.0);//Jan.5.2005 } D=0.0;//Jan.5.2005 }else { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:can not read coefficient file.\n"); } return !error; }else { // x=A nxn B nx1 // y=C 1xn D 1x1 // n+n+1+1 if (rows ==2*columns+2){ //vpi_mcd_printf(1,"Matrix is/*行列は*/[%d][%d]./*行列です。*/\n",rows,columns); for (unsigned i=0; i< columns;i++) { if ((*doubles_list)[i]->size() !=columns) error=true; vector <double> a; for (unsigned m=0; m < columns;m++){ double temp=*(*(*doubles_list)[i])[m]; a.push_back(temp); vpi_mcd_printf(1,"A Matrix[%d][%d]=%f \n",i,m,temp); } A.push_back(a); } //B for (unsigned i=0; i< columns;i++) { double temp=*(*(*doubles_list)[i+columns])[0]; vpi_mcd_printf(1,"B Matrix[%d][0]=%f \n",i,temp); B.push_back(temp); } //C for (unsigned i=0; i< columns;i++) { double temp=*(*(*doubles_list)[2*columns])[i]; vpi_mcd_printf(1,"C Matrix[0][%d]=%f \n",i,temp); C.push_back(temp); } //D D=*(*(*doubles_list)[2*columns+1])[0]; vpi_mcd_printf(1,"D Matrix[0][0]=%f \n",D); if (!error) { //Initialize array for (unsigned i=0; i< columns;i++){ zx.push_back(0.0); zdx.push_back(0.0); zq.push_back(0.0); } }else { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:can not read coefficient.\n"); } return !error; }else { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:format of coefficient file should be (row ==2*coulumn+2).\n"); } } } static vpiHandle get_module_handle(vpiHandle call_handle) { vpiHandle obj=call_handle; while (vpi_get(vpiType, obj) != vpiModule) { obj = vpi_handle(vpiScope, obj); } return obj; } void runge_kutta::get_delta_time(vpiHandle call_handle) { s_vpi_time now; now.type=vpiScaledRealTime; vpi_get_time(0, &now); double current_time=now.real; now.type = vpiSimTime; vpi_get_time(0, &now); int units = vpi_get(vpiTimeUnit,get_module_handle(call_handle)); if (old_time !=current_time){ double scale=pow((double)10,(double)units);//キャストがないと駄目 zh=(current_time-old_time)*scale;// old_time=current_time; } } void runge_kutta::do_integ() { double dk,dy; vector <double > inputs; s_vpi_value value; value.format=vpiRealVal; // unsigned no_of_int=rows; unsigned no_of_int=columns;//Dec.20.2004; //現在のVerilogのインプットアレーを読み出す。 for (unsigned i=0; i< no_of_int;i++){//Read Current Input Array from Verilog vpiHandle word_index = vpi_handle_by_index(m_read_item,read_mem_left_address+i); vpi_get_value(word_index, &value); double temp=value.value.real; inputs.push_back(temp); } if (zh==0.0) return;//zhが未設定ならなにもしない。 //Matrix 乗算 for (unsigned mmode=1; mmode <=4;mmode++){ for (unsigned ix=0;ix< no_of_int;ix++){//行 double sum=0; for (unsigned iy=0; iy< no_of_int;iy++) {//列 //double coeff=*(*(*doubles_list)[ix])[iy]; double coeff=A[ix][iy];//Dec.20.2004 sum +=zx[iy]*coeff; } double temp=inputs[ix]; //zdx[ix]=sum+inputs[ix];//行 zdx[ix]=sum+B[ix]*inputs[ix];//Dec.20.2004 } //積分処理 for (unsigned m=0;m<no_of_int ;m++ ){ switch (mmode) { case 1 : dk=zdx[m]*zh; dy=0.5*(dk-2.0*zq[m]); zx[m]=zx[m]+dy; zq[m]=zq[m]+3.0*dy-0.5*dk; break; case 2 : dk=zh*zdx[m]; dy=cc1*(dk-zq[m]); zx[m]=zx[m]+dy; zq[m]=zq[m]+3.0*dy-cc1*dk; break; case 3 : dk=zh*zdx[m]; dy=cc2*(dk-zq[m]); zx[m]=zx[m]+dy; zq[m]=zq[m]+3.0*dy-cc2*dk; break; case 4 : dk=zdx[m]*zh; dy=(dk-2.0*zq[m])/6.0; zx[m]=zx[m]+dy; zq[m]=zq[m]+3.0*dy-dk/2.0; break; } /* endswitch */ }//end for }//end for //結果をVerilogのアレーに書き込む //Apr.18.2005 vpiHandle word_index = vpi_handle_by_index(m_write_item,write_mem_left_address+0);//Apr.18.2005 no_of_int-1); //Write the result to Write Array in Verilog double temp=0; for (unsigned i=0; i< no_of_int;i++){//Read Current Input Array from Verilog //double temp=zx[i]; temp +=zx[i]*C[i]+inputs[i]*D;//Dec.20.2004 } value.value.real=temp; vpi_put_value(word_index, &value,0, vpiNoDelay);//Apr.18.2005 /* for (unsigned i=0; i< no_of_int;i++){//Read Current Input Array from Verilog vpiHandle word_index = vpi_handle_by_index(m_write_item,write_mem_left_address+i); //double temp=zx[i]; double temp=zx[i]*C[i]+inputs[i]*D;//Dec.20.2004 value.value.real=temp; vpi_put_value(word_index, &value,0, vpiNoDelay); } */ } //Verilog IFに接続されているアレー、その他のチェック //一度だけ読み出しアレーについては、ハンドル情報をSaveしておく bool runge_kutta::get_property_on_verilog_if() { s_vpi_value value; vpiHandle left_range; vpiHandle right_range; if (m_read_item == 0 || m_write_item==0) { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta: invalid parameter.\n"); return false; } if (vpi_get(vpiType, m_read_item) != vpiMemory) { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:3rd parameter should be real array.\n"); return false; } if (vpi_get(vpiType, m_write_item) != vpiMemory) { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:4th parameter should be real array.\n"); return false; } value.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(mode_item, &value); if (value.value.integer !=(int)(INITIAL)){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:First call should be mode0.\n"); return false; } //Read Memory Input for runge_kutta left_range = vpi_handle(vpiLeftRange, m_read_item); value.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(left_range, &value); read_mem_left_address = value.value.integer; right_range = vpi_handle(vpiRightRange, m_read_item); value.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(right_range, &value); read_mem_right_address = value.value.integer; if (read_mem_left_address > read_mem_right_address){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta: memory range must be Left<Right\n"); return false; } if ((read_mem_right_address-read_mem_left_address+1) < columns){//Dec.10.2004 vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta: invalid memory range.\n"); return false; } //Write Memory Output for runge_kutta left_range = vpi_handle(vpiLeftRange, m_write_item); value.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(left_range, &value); write_mem_left_address = value.value.integer; right_range = vpi_handle(vpiRightRange, m_write_item); value.format = vpiIntVal; vpi_get_value(right_range, &value); write_mem_right_address = value.value.integer; if (write_mem_left_address > write_mem_right_address){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:memory range should be LEFT<RIGHT.\n"); return false; } if ((write_mem_right_address-write_mem_left_address+1) < columns){//Dec.20.2004 vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:invalid memory range.\n"); return false; } vpiHandle words = vpi_iterate(vpiMemoryWord, m_read_item); vpiHandle item = vpi_scan(words); unsigned wwid = vpi_get(vpiSize, item); if (wwid !=64){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:memory should be real type of array.\n"); return false; } words = vpi_iterate(vpiMemoryWord, m_write_item); item = vpi_scan(words); wwid = vpi_get(vpiSize, item); if (wwid !=64){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:memory should be real type of array.\n"); return false; } //Finally,Initial Check all done. return true; } //毎クロック呼び出される。 static int sys_runge_kutta_calltf(char*name) { runge_kutta* local_ptr=0; s_vpi_value value; vpiHandle sys = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0); vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, sys); vpiHandle file_handle=vpi_scan(argv);//First Parameter //First parameter if (!file_handle) { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:missing parameter.\n"); //Mar.25.2004 vpi_free_object(argv); return 0; } //ファイル名取得チェック if (vpi_get(vpiType, file_handle)!=vpiConstant && vpi_get(vpiType, file_handle)!=vpiParameter){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:file name should be string type.\n"); vpi_free_object(argv); return 0; } if (vpi_get(vpiConstType,file_handle) != vpiStringConst) { vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:file name should be string type.\n"); vpi_free_object(argv); return 0; } //ファイル名取得 value.format = vpiStringVal; vpi_get_value(file_handle, &value); string file_name=value.value.str; //2nd parameter vpiHandle mode_item = vpi_scan(argv); if (mode_item ==0){ vpi_mcd_printf(1,"$runge_kutta:missing mode parameter.\n"); //Mar.25.2004vpi_free_object(argv); return 0; } map<string ,runge_kutta* > ::const_iterator im=file_map.find(file_name); if (im ==file_map.end()){//新しいファイル処理 local_ptr=new runge_kutta(); file_map[file_name]=local_ptr; bool success=local_ptr->file_read(file_name); if (success) { bool success=local_ptr->check_and_dump_double_list(); if (success){ //3rd/4th parameter local_ptr->m_read_item=vpi_scan(argv);//READ ARRAY if(! local_ptr->m_read_item) return 0;//argv はdelete は、Verilogでデリート済み local_ptr->m_write_item=vpi_scan(argv);//WRITE ARRAY if(! local_ptr->m_write_item) return 0;//argv はdelete は、Verilogでデリート済み local_ptr->mode_item=mode_item; if(local_ptr->get_property_on_verilog_if()) local_ptr->go_on(); } } }else {//既にMapに登録されている。 local_ptr=file_map[file_name]; } if(local_ptr->go_()){//初期化でエラーなかったらModeパラメータで制御 local_ptr->get_delta_time(sys); s_vpi_value value; value.format = vpiIntVal;//モードパラメータを取得 vpi_get_value(mode_item, &value); unsigned mode=value.value.integer; if (mode==0) ; else if(mode==1) local_ptr->do_integ(); } vpi_free_object(argv); return 0; } //ユーザシステムタスクを登録 extern void sys_ruge_kutta_register() { s_vpi_systf_data tf_data; tf_data.type = vpiSysTask; tf_data.tfname = "$runge_kutta"; tf_data.calltf = sys_runge_kutta_calltf; tf_data.compiletf = 0; tf_data.sizetf = 0; tf_data.user_data = 0; vpi_register_systf(&tf_data); } |